Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness month October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it is important to be aware of the risks, symptoms, and treatments associated with this disease. According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women. In 2020, an estimated 268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women in the United States.

Although breast cancer is much more common in women, men can get breast cancer as well. In 2020, there will be an estimated 2,620 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed in men in the United States.

Disclaimer:  please check out the links below for more information on the Nhs website or contact your local GP doctor.  There are other links we have below for more up to-date information.

What are the risk factors for developing breast cancer?

There are several risk factors for developing breast cancer. Some of these include:

Being a woman: Women are 100 times more likely to develop breast cancer than men.

-Increasing age: The chance of getting breast cancer goes up as a woman gets older. Most cases are found in women who are 55 or older.


  • -Family history: If you have a mother, sister, or daughter who has had breast cancer, your risk is higher than if no one in your immediate family has had the disease.
  • -Genetic mutations: Mutations in certain genes put people at a higher risk for developing breast cancer. The most well-known mutation is the BRCA1 gene mutation.
  • -Dense breasts: Breast tissue that contains more connective and glandular tissue than fatty tissue feels dense when examined by hand. Dense breasts have less fat and more non-fatty tissue, including fibrous tissue and milk glands. Dense breasts have more connective tissue than fatty tissue. This makes them feel firm or lumpy. Many women have dense breasts. In fact, about 40 percent of women ages 40 to 74 have dense breasts according to U.S Preventative Services Task Force recommendations published in 2009 (USPSTF 2009). Having dense breasts is not abnormal – it’s actually quite common! However, denser breasts have been linked with an increased risk of developing breast cancer later on in life. This is because there is less fatty tissue present to absorb any potential carcinogens that may enter the body, leaving the glandular tissue more vulnerable.
  • -Previous history of breast cancer or abnormal mammograms: If you’ve had breast cancer before, you’re more likely to develop it again. Additionally, if you’ve had certain types of abnormal mammograms in the past, you may be at an increased risk for developing breast cancer as well. Your doctor will be able to tell you if this applies to you.
  • -Exposure to radiation: If you’ve been treated with radiation therapy for another cancer (such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma), that treatment can increase your risk of developing breast cancer later on down the road.

Please refer to the NHS website for more information on breast cancer  the most common type of cancer in the UK, including information on symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

What are some signs and symptoms of breast cancer?

Some common signs and symptoms of breast cancer include:

  • -A lump or thickening in or near the breast or underarm area
  • -A change in size or shape of the breast(s)
  • -Dimpling or puckering of the skin over your breast(s)
  • -Redness or flaky skin on your nipple or Breast(s)
  • -Pulling in of your nipple or change in shape of nipple(s)
  • It’s important to keep in mind that these changes can also be caused by conditions other thancancer! However, if you experience any combination of these symptoms it’s important thatyou see a doctor so they can properly assess whether or not there may be cause forconcern."

World health organisation for breast cancer

The Importance of Early Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer


Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and the second leading cause of death among women worldwide. In 2020, an estimated 268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women in the United States.


Although breast cancer is much more common in women, men can get breast cancer as well. In 2020, there will be an estimated 2,620 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed in men in the United States.


Early detection and treatment of breast cancer is of upmost importance, especially in the prevention of fatality and increased likelihood for successful recovery. By detecting the presence of tumors in their early stages, medical professionals are better equipped to treat individuals with minimal risks. Therefore, it is important to make regular checkups part of one's routine so that they can remain vigilant in regard to breast cancer. Familiarity with one’s own body also aids in monitoring changes which might indicate tumor growth or other concerning phenomena. Emphasis should be placed on arming oneself with the knowledge necessary to best confront any issues that may arise related to breast cancer. Overall, early detection and treatment of breast cancer is imperative in securing one’s health long-term.


 What You Need to Know About the Latest Advances in Breast Cancer Research


Recent advances in breast cancer research are incredibly promising for those affected by the disease. Professional researchers have identified ways to recognise and diagnose breast cancer earlier, which could prove to be an invaluable tool in the fight against the illness. Additionally, pharmaceutical companies are hard at work developing treatments that more effectively combat cancer cells without as many severe side effects as prior therapies have often caused. While much progress has been made so far, there is still a great deal of research that must be done before these breakthroughs can be applied on a larger scale. Nonetheless, it is important to remain hopeful and optimistic about the future of breast cancer care.


How to Remain Positive When Facing Breast Cancer Diagnosis


Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and difficult, but there are some steps you can take to stay positive and maintain your mental health. Here are some tips for remaining optimistic and keeping a positive outlook during this challenging time.



Seek Support From Loved Ones

Having the support of friends and family can make a huge difference when you’re facing a breast cancer diagnosis. Surround yourself with people who love you and build a strong support system. Reach out to those who have gone through a similar experience as they may understand what you’re going through better than anyone else. Also, don’t forget to ask for help when needed; your loved ones can provide much-needed emotional support during this difficult time.


Find Meaning in Your Diagnosis

When facing a breast cancer diagnosis it can be hard to find meaning in the situation, but it’s important to try. Finding the silver lining in difficult situations can help you stay positive and keep your spirits high. This might include spending more time with family or doing activities that bring you joy and peace of mind. Alternatively, consider using your experience to help others by sharing your story or volunteering with an organization that helps those affected by breast cancer.


Practice Self-Care

It is essential to practice self-care when dealing with any type of illness or medical condition, especially one as serious as breast cancer. Taking care of oneself is essential both physically and mentally; be sure to get plenty of rest, eat well-balanced meals, exercise regularly if possible, and practice mindfulness techniques like yoga or meditation. It is also helpful to engage in activities that bring joy such as reading books, listening to music, exploring nature, etc., which will help you manage stress levels more effectively.


Facing a diagnosis of breast cancer can be scary and overwhelming but there are things that you can do to remain positive during this difficult time. By seeking out support from loved ones, finding meaning in your diagnosis, and practicing self-care techniques such as mindfulness or exercise, you will be able to stay resilient despite the challenges that come with a breast cancer diagnosis. Remember – staying positive will enable you to stay strong throughout this journey!

10 Tips for Supporting a Loved One with Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in women today. According to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. If you have a friend or loved one who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, you may be wondering how you can best support them during this difficult time.
Here are 10 tips to help you provide the support they need.


1. Educate yourself about breast cancer. The more you know about breast cancer, the better equipped you will be to provide support and answer any questions your loved one may have. There are many great resources available online and at your local library. The American Cancer Society website is a good place to start.

2. Be a good listener. Just being there to listen and offer a shoulder to cry on can be invaluable to someone dealing with breast cancer. Let them know that you are available to talk anytime, day or night.

3. Offer practical help. Ask your loved one what practical things you can do to help them out. Whether it’s running errands, cooking meals, or providing transportation to doctor’s appointments, offering to help with the everyday tasks can take some of the burden off of them.

4. Help out around the house. If your loved one is receiving treatment that makes it difficult for them to do things around the house, offer to help out where you can. This might include things like mowing the lawn, doing laundry, or taking care of pets.

5. Make sure they are eating healthy and staying hydrated. Eating a healthy diet and staying hydrated is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for someone undergoing treatment for cancer. Offer to cook healthy meals for them or go grocery shopping for them so that they have access to healthy food options.

6. Exercise with them or encourage them to stay active. Exercise has many benefits, including reducing stress and improving energy levels and mood. If your loved one is feeling up to it, go for a walk together or sign up for a yoga class together. If they’re not quite ready for that, simply encourage them to get up and move around as much as possible throughout the day.

7. Plan fun activities together. It’s important for your loved one to take some time out from thinking about cancer and just have some fun! Plan outings or activities that they enjoy and make sure to include plenty of laughter in your time together – laughter really is the best medicine!

8.. Avoid talking about cancer all the time.. Yes, it’s important to be there for your loved one and offer support, but that doesn’t mean that every conversation has to revolve around cancer . Talk about other things going on in their life or in the world around us . This will help provide a much-needed distraction from all of the thoughts and worries that come along with a cancer diagnosis .

9.. Seek professional help if needed.. Dealing with a cancer diagnosis is tough – both emotionally and physically . If at any point you feel like you are not able to provide the level of support your loved one needs , don’t hesitate to seek professional help . A counselor or therapist can offer additional support and guidance .

10.. Take care of yourself.. It’s important that you take care of yourself while you are supporting your loved one through their breast cancer journey . Make sure to eat healthy , exercise , get enough sleep , and take some time for yourself each day . This will ensure that you are in a good place emotionally and mentally so that you can be there for your loved one when they need you most .


Supporting someone with breast cancer can be challenging, but it is also an opportunity to show how much you care about them . By following these 10 tips , you can make sure that you are providing the best possible support for your friend or loved one during this difficult time .

Breast cancer is cancer that starts in the breast tissue. The treatment you need depends on the type of breast cancer you have as well as your general health. Treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and radiotherapy.

How can you detect breast cancer early on and what are the best methods for doing so?

Early Detection is Key to Fighting Breast Cancer, Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer, and early detection is key for successful treatment. It’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer so that you can detect it as soon as possible. There are several methods available for detecting breast cancer early on, and they all have their own set of pros and cons. Let’s take a look at some of the best methods for early detection.



One way that you can detect breast cancer in its earliest stages is through self-exams. Self-exams involve feeling your breasts for any lumps or changes in shape or size. This should be done on a monthly basis, and any changes should be reported to your doctor immediately. The advantage of this method is that it’s non-invasive and free, which makes it accessible to everyone. However, it can be difficult to detect changes in the early stages because lumps may not be visible or feelable until they have grown larger over time.


Clinical Exams

Clinical exams are another method for detecting breast cancer in its earlier stages. During a clinical exam, your doctor will perform a physical examination on your breasts to check for any lumps or abnormalities. This exam may also include imaging tests such as mammograms or ultrasounds to get a better view of your breasts internally. The advantage of this method is that it allows your doctor to detect smaller lumps than would be possible with self-exams alone. The downside is that these exams can be expensive and require additional time and resources from both you and your doctor.


Genetic Testing

In addition to physical examinations, genetic testing has become increasingly popular as an early screening tool for breast cancer detection. Genetic testing involves looking at specific genes associated with an increased risk for developing breast cancer, such as BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. If you have these genes present in your DNA, it increases your chances of developing the disease significantly more than someone without them – making genetic testing an effective way to detect potential cases early on before any physical signs are present. However, this method can also be expensive and not always covered by insurance plans.


Early detection is key when it comes to successfully treating breast cancer – which means knowing how to spot potential warning signs is essential! Self-exams are one way to check yourself regularly; however, they may not pick up small tumors until they have grown bigger over time. Clinical exams paired with imaging tests such as mammograms provide more detailed information about what's going on inside the body; however, they can be expensive and require additional resources from both you and your doctor. Finally, genetic testing can provide valuable insight into potential risks so that preventative measures can be taken if necessary – but again there may be financial considerations involved with this approach too depending on insurance coverage availability . Ultimately there isn't one single perfect solution - but by being aware of all the options available , you'll be able to make the best decision possible when it comes time for deciding how best protect yourself from this potentially life threatening disease .


Preventing Breast Cancer: What You Should Know

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. While there is no guaranteed way to prevent it, understanding the risk factors and making lifestyle changes can help reduce your chances of developing breast cancer. Let’s look into what you can do to protect yourself from this potentially deadly disease.


Get Screened Regularly

It’s important to get screened regularly for breast cancer, starting at age 40 or earlier depending on your individual risk factors. Mammograms are the most common screening tool used for detecting breast cancer early. During a mammogram, X-rays are taken of each breast and then examined for any abnormalities that may indicate the presence of cancer. This form of early detection gives you the best chance of treating the disease before it progresses. If a mammogram shows something abnormal, additional tests may be needed to determine if it is indeed cancer or another condition that requires treatment.


Breast cancer factors

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing breast cancer, so maintaining a healthy weight is key to prevention. To maintain a healthy weight, make sure you’re getting enough physical activity per day (at least 30 minutes) and following a balanced diet that includes plenty of vegetables and fruits while minimizing processed foods and sugar intake. Eating foods high in antioxidants can also help reduce inflammation in the body which can further contribute to improved health outcomes.


Limit Alcohol Intake Studies have found that women who drink alcohol regularly have an increased risk of developing breast cancer compared to those who don't drink at all or only occasionally drink. The American Cancer Society recommends limiting alcohol consumption to no more than one drink per day for women, as higher levels increase your risk significantly. Additionally, if you do choose to drink alcohol, avoid binge drinking as much as possible as this has been linked to an increased risk of certain cancers including breast cancer.


Breast Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide among women and understanding how you can lower your risk is important in preventing it from occurring in the first place. Following good lifestyle habits such as maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol intake, and getting screened regularly are essential steps that every woman should take to reduce her chances of getting breast cancer. Taking these precautions now could save your life down the road!


Breast Cancer Treatments and Potential Side Effects

Breast cancer is a serious condition that affects millions of people each year. Treatments vary depending on the individual and can include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or hormone therapy. Each of these treatments comes with its own potential side effects which should be discussed with your doctor prior to starting any treatment plan. Let's take a closer look at some of the most common treatments for breast cancer and their associated side effects.



Surgery is one of the most common treatments for breast cancer. During this procedure, doctors will typically remove either the entire tumor or just part of it, along with some surrounding tissue to ensure that all of the cancerous cells are removed from the body. While there are risks associated with any surgery, some potential side effects associated with breast cancer surgery may include pain in the chest area, fatigue, numbness or tingling in the arms and hands, nausea, and infection. It’s important to speak with your doctor about any concerns you have before undergoing surgery.



Chemotherapy is another common treatment option for breast cancer patients. It involves using drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body as well as limit their growth and spread. Some potential side effects associated with chemotherapy may include hair loss, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, anemia (low red blood cell count), diarrhea or constipation, infertility (in rare cases), and an increased risk of infection due to weakened immune system function. Talk to your doctor about what you can do to reduce the severity of these symptoms if they occur during treatment.


Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy works by targeting high energy beams at areas where tumors are located in order to destroy them over time. While radiation therapy is effective in killing off cancer cells in most cases, it can also cause a range of short-term side effects such as fatigue, skin irritation on the chest area where radiation was applied (redness/dryness/itching), loss of appetite/taste changes, difficulty swallowing food due to inflammation caused by radiation on nearby tissue structures (esophagus), sore throat or other throat problems related to esophageal damage caused by radiation exposure.[1] Longer term side effects may include scarring in areas that were targeted by radiation therapy as well as an increased risk for developing secondary cancers due to prolonged exposure.[2] Talk to your doctor about any potential risks before beginning radiation therapy so you can make informed decisions regarding your health care options.



Breast cancer is a serious condition that requires careful consideration when making treatment decisions. Surgery may be recommended if only part or all of a tumor needs to be removed from the body while chemotherapy and radiation therapy are more commonly used if multiple tumors exist throughout a patient’s body or if they have spread beyond the breasts themselves into other organs or tissues around them.[3] Each one comes with its own set of possible side effects which should be discussed thoroughly with your medical team before making any final decisions regarding treatments options available for breast cancer patients today. With careful consideration and guidance from experienced professionals, patients can confidently make decisions about their healthcare journey with knowledge about all available options available for treating their particular case of breast cancer.


Links to breast cancer awareness and more information directly to their website. (For more up-to-date information and new treatments available)







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